Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Slow November

Hello! It's been too long. I had every intention of stopping in as much as possible in November, but I had a little accident and now these are my new best friends...
Yes, crutches. Boo. You will not believe what happened. I tore my ACL yet again the night of my Halloween Party. I blame the fabulous witch boots I was wearing. I fell and I fell HARD. Can you believe that? Oh my, this is not very fun at all. Crafting and being artsy is so very hard when you need both hands to help you walk. So, we are having a very slow November. We are pausing to take an in breath and be quiet (as quiet as a house with four kidlets can be). We are finding small moments to create, though...

The whole family sat around the dinner table last night and did some very important creating. It felt so good to doodle, watercolor, draw and watch the children's hands busy with clay. I acquired so many new bits and pieces of artwork, bookmarks and cards.

I adore the candle in the middle-so peaceful. I love all of them, of course! I had fun, too!

I really love this colorful piece by my 5 year old. He always makes these amazing little paintings. He is a very colorful little soul.

We are also reading so many great books for this time of year. Have you read this book? It is one of our favorites! I love a good children's book that also has a recipe! Yum!

I do love November. I feel like I am missing out a little bit, but reading seasonal books to the children helps me capture the spirit of this season.

I am keeping myself busy with my laptop and many, many books. I am making notes and getting inspired for when I do feel better. Soon, I hope. I have so many big plans!

Here is another great children's book with a recipe. The Apple Cake is lovely. Wynstones' Autumn book is filled with poems, songs and stories.

 Well friends, I need to get back to resting my knee and making big plans for the season of giving.

Beeswax leaves

I do hope your November is lovely so far. I will be back very soon.